Wednesday, January 18, 2017

PUSCIFER Life Of Brian (Apparently You Haven't Seen)

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PUSCIFER Life Of Brian (Apparently You Haven't Seen) Lyrics, singer by PUSCIFER

Obsession has an odor
Tunnel vision has a tell
Fanatical behavior
Seems to fit you well

Fixate on what you think you know
You're missing what you don't, though
Crazy wouldn't notice
Have a lonely life in your chosen hell

Metaphors just point the way
Towards untouchable ideas
Fixating on the finger
Missed the point, dull the point as well

Dull the point, miss the point
Dull the point, miss the point
Dull the point as well

Obsession has an odor
Tunnel vision has a tell
It's fanatical behavior
Have a lovely life in your chosen hell

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

PUSCIFER Smoke And Mirrors

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PUSCIFER Smoke And Mirrors Lyrics, singer by PUSCIFER

You confessed one day to have been a snake and deceiver
But when your moment came, to shed that skin
You just slithered away
You just slithered away

Crystal clear to us all, when you say �We all want the same thing�
That you don�t, you want the bigger piece and the praise
There are those who have seen, and those soon to beware
What your smoke is concealing
Just a trail of bones, atop a lemming�s hill
All fallen prey
All fallen prey
All fallen prey

To the liar, not a saint, not a martyr
Just a snake, and a liar

We used to believe, when you'd say �Were all in this together�
No more, we all see
Now the mirror is broken, we all know what your spell was concealing
Just hollow eyes, a stolen crown but
Not a king
No, not a king
No, not a king

Just the liar, not a saint, not a martyr
Just a snake, and a liar

Monday, January 16, 2017


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PUSCIFER The Remedy Lyrics, singer by PUSCIFER

Our home, our rules, respect them or
Bitches receive stitches
Trolls receive 86's

Stick around if you're housebroken
Can't hold your shit, hold your tongue, you got to go
Should you choose to react like an imbecile
You'll in turn be treated so

Yes, we're being condescending
Yes, that means were talking down to you
With all that racket from your lips a-flapping
We assumed you didn't notice

Haters, isolators, no one misses these
Bitches receive stitches
Trolls receive 86's

Yes, we're being condescending
Yes, that means were talking down to you
With all that racket from your lips a-flapping
We assumed you didn't notice

Haters, isolators, no one misses these
Bitches receive stitches
Trolls receive 86's

You speak like someone who has never been
Smacked in the fucking mouth
That's OK, we have the remedy
You speak like someone who has never been
Knocked the fuck on out
But we have your remedy

You speak like someone who has never been
Smacked in the fucking mouth
That's OK, we have the remedy
You speak like someone who has never been
Knocked the fuck on out
But we have your remedy

Sunday, January 15, 2017

PUSCIFER The Arsonist

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PUSCIFER The Arsonist Lyrics, singer by PUSCIFER

Fire, fire, the bridge is on fire
Burning away your last connection
Fire, fire, our bridge is on fire
Your social skills resemble arson

You seem okay with this
So deleterious
Remorse for you is not an option

What�s the matter, Beavis?

Why you gotta burn, gotta burn it all down?

What�s the matter, Beavis?

Burning it all down
Burn down all the bridges

Fire, fire, shit�s on fire
Beavis sure do love his matches

Choking on the smoke from the fire you�ve started
Choking on the ash from the bridges you�ve burned

Daddy didn�t love you, gotta burn it all down
What�s the matter, Beavis?
Not the better brother, gotta burn it all down
What�s the matter, Beavis?
Why you gotta burn, gotta burn it all down?

Choking on the smoke from the fire you�ve started
Choking on the ash from the bridges you�ve burned

Saturday, January 14, 2017


Welcome to

PUSCIFER Money Shot Lyrics, singer by PUSCIFER

Boulders to rocks, gravel to sand
Leaving you nothing but beaches
You used to move mountains
A wave of your hand
Now you just finger the peace, and now

Here it comes, here it
Here comes, here it here it
Here it come, here it
Here comes, hear it hear it comes
Here it comes, here it
Here comes, hear it

Grind away
Bang away
(Here come the money shot)
Bang away
(Here come the money shot)
Grind away
Bang away
(Here come the money shot)
Bang away

Money shot your load

Forest for trees, pounding timber to dust
Tipping your way to confusion
You used to be driven by mission and lust
Now it�s just all compensation

[Chorus x2]

Friday, January 13, 2017

PUSCIFER Simultaneous

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PUSCIFER Simultaneous Lyrics, singer by PUSCIFER

So, the first time I saw him was at the annual city festival, at the end of the plaza, on, uh, Punker Hill , also known as The Island of Misfits . Um, It's like a mound of black leather and army surplus jackets and boots and spiky egg-white hairdos and mohawks and second generation Exploited and Minor Threat and Sex Pistols patches and stuff. Basically a haven for the misunderstood punk-y, rock-y, goth-y, Woe is me types

And, uh, there he was, right in the middle of it all. Um, oversized yellow form-rubber cowboy hat pink plastic Toys-R-Us pistols and holster. Off-white dashiki, uh, shirt, and tattered bell bottom jeans, leather feet, Raleigh cigarette finger stains. And he was an island within an island, and I just, kinda had to know more

So, I, uhh, I sat with him for hours just trying to get a bearing on his beautiful insanity. Every third inquiry was met with, you know, an eloquent but unusual response, and, you know, the subsequent exchange, it kinda warranted continuing the conversation, because he was, he was interesting. Uh, 'course the other, the other reason my efforts where dismissed, while he took in the constant flow of the festival crowd, all around us

A raging river of multi cultural river of music, art, food, families, uh, all of this with his Walkman at full volume. I think it was Foreigner, playing through the headphones. And I asked maybe, you know Hey maybe you could turn that down, so we can talk? , and he replied Can you hear me ? and I said Yes , he said Well, then it's fine . He never really pretended, not once, to be able to organize all of this chaos that was going on around us. Uh, he just unapologetically chose which pieces to focus on

Well, you know, after a few hours we seemed to have found our stride, found our rhythm, kinda settled into it, and we're having these intermittent conversations, uh, flipping back and forth between the chaos and the focus. And then, just kinda out of nowhere, he seemed to become a little unsettled and disturbed. And I asked him what was wrong and he just blurted out Peanuts parents and syrup , and then he looked at me like I wondered what that means, and then he said, You have any, do you have any batteries?

So, basically his, his walkman was running out of power, and he just needed batteries, so before I could ever turn and ask one of our fellow punkers for some double-A's, he grabbed my face with both hands, and then for the first time in the entire conversation, he, gave me his complete focus and attention, completely present, and calmly said We will never know world peace, until three people can simultaneously look each other straight in the eye

Should the oceans rise
Should the sky come falling down
Should the islands tremble beneath us, see our better nature blossom

Should the sun rain fire
Should Hell on Earth freeze over
And our enemies wait hungry
See our better nature feed them
Should the sun rain fire
Should Hell on Earth freeze over
And our enemies wait hungry
See our better nature feed and calm them

Find a way through, around, or over
Find a way through, around, or over
Find a way through, around, or over
Find a way through, around, or over

Find a way through, around, or over
Find a way through, around, or over
Find a way through, around, or over

Thursday, January 12, 2017

PUSCIFER Grand Canyon

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PUSCIFER Grand Canyon Lyrics, singer by PUSCIFER

Lost as I may be
In the fog of my own noise and triviality
Grand Holy Mother, grant me clarity
I am standing on the edge of forever... forever...

One among infinity
Witnessing the majesty
Calm in this humility
Witnessing the majesty
Hope as far as one can see
Witnessing the majesty [x3]
Standing on the edge of forever

Blessed that be in
This reawakening
Grand Holy Mother and my deadly slumber
To stand fearless from the edge of forever... forever...

One among infinity
Witnessing the majesty
Calm in this humility
Witnessing the majesty
Hope as far as one can see
Witnessing the majesty [x6]
Standing on the edge of forever

Hope as far
As one can see
As one can see